When purchasing a disaster meal program there are several aspects to take into consideration. We have provided a list below to help with the purchasing decision a little bit easier.
- What is the Shelf life of the food – With an inflation rate of at least 3.24% annually, the healthcare facility is paying quite a bit of money having to rotate annually or even 5 to 10 years.
- Food Quality – Does the provider have a guaranteed shelf life? Have they been in business long enough to test the quality? Does it taste good? Will the food still have a high nutritional value when the food is about to expire?
- Quality Control – How is it Packaged? If not is #10 cans, can rodents penetrate the packaging and get into the food? When you receive the food such as crackers, do they come whole or in crumbs? What is the moisture rate inside of the container to preserve freshness over shelf life? Has the product been tested as long as the company been around? Does the manufacturer guarantee the quality of the product?
- Menu Nutritional Value – Do the menus have sufficient nutrients for all patients in a healthcare facility? Are different menu options available?
- Turn-Key Regulatory Manual – Is there an easy to follow program from hand hygiene, to food prepping, to delivering the correct meals patient diet & disposal process?
- Customer Service – Will the company be available for any questions if a surveyor shows up?
- Ease of Use – How easy is the program to follow? Can nutritionist and non-nutritionist staff be able to follow the steps in a disaster?
- Budget-Friendly – Flexibility to be able to provide several options based upon budget, storage space and what the customer needs to be compliant. Do they have several water, MRE and serving utensil options available?
- Easy Food Prepping – Easily adaptable to preparing during any disaster (Power Outage & Kitchen Accessibility) Hard Copy and Electronic copy, book easy to find and follow. Does the food be hydrated with hot or cold water? Can you prepare the food in the container it is being sold in? (Fewer supplies needed during a disaster is better)
- Training- Is there an annual training device to help prepare staff in case of a disaster or surveyor?